Friday, April 3, 2009

All is Well in the Animal Kingdom

I took my Gretel to get the staples taken out today (13 days after the surgery to repair her broken pelvis). She is such a little trooper: not a peep, out of her, as the vet removed the 27 staples. I, of course, couldn't wait to get her home and give her a bath. That will have to wait, a few days, per order of the doggie doc! She seems relieved to have those metal objects out of her skin. Perhaps it's just me projecting...okay, it's most likely me projecting! I hardly think she, who went head to head (or bumper to rump) with a mini-van, and emerged victoriously, gave a fig about a few staples. After I took a few pictures of her, I came into my room to find the cats snuggled, happily together on my bed. Animal photo ops abound!


  1. Hi Kimberly,

    I am so glad to hear that Gretel is doing well.....she looks good. Your cats are so cute. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Oh, poor baby Gretel...I see her backside has the new doooh for spring. Short & sassy! How is your daughter doing now? Give the puppy a kiss for my grand daughter, I have been keeping her informed....I am so glad Gretel is better! sharon

  3. very cute, and i am so glad gretel is on the mend!!!

  4. I am so happy Gretel is doing okay...Those dogs are so much a part of the family. The cats look like they're having fun...
