Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hard Time Getting Going

Do you ever have times when you just can seem to get your wheels rolling? That pretty much sums up what's been happening, with me, since my last post. I had a few days of feeling fairly melancholy, after having to put our cat, Sam, to sleep. The kids have been gone (with their dad) for four days, so I've been trying to catch up on the things I can't get done while they are under foot...weeding through bins of broken toys, purging games & playthings they have outgrown/ don't use. It's been so quiet, at home, that you'd think I'd be a whirling dervish of activity...not so much :-) I'd get started on one project, remember another thing that needed my attention, get distracted by the kittens. Before I knew it, nothing had gotten completely finished. The children come home this evening, so today is my day...I really mean tie up loose ends. I did manage to treat myself to some fun project time, but haven't taking any pictures. ***Note to self: take pictures to share with blog friends. I'm thinking I need to start with a "To do" list. There is something intrinsically rewarding about the physical act of crossing things off a "To do" list. I always break tasks down to such minute steps, so I get to do lots of crossing off :-)


  1. I know what mean.... my sewing room needs some attention, so I can stop using the kitchen!!!! Perhaps we should each have a big to do list and see who can cross off the most things!!!!!
    Don't be too hard on yourself, what would we have to if everything was perfect! Happy Sunday!
    Margaret B

  2. sometimes you just need to take a break - then it's easier to attack the "to do" list once you're rested! enjoy your day! (and i know how it is to lose a pet - when missy died, i literally took to my bed - it was awful)

  3. I'm always doing the same thing...I just sometimes think we need to take a break..I think are bodies and our minds can only deal with so much at one time. Just know that you're not alone and things will get done...
