Friday, July 24, 2009

Raindrops on Roses

Okay, there are times when it is necessary to bypass accuracy in order to come up with a catchy title for a blog post. "Raindrops on Dahlias...Pansies" just didn't cut it for this morning's musings.
Ahhh, I digress (yet again). After an extremely wet month of June, I know I was not alone in being sick to death of that perpetually soggy feeling. It seemed that my mood was perfectly synchronized with the dreary skies. After a few weeks of fairly consistent sunshine this month, I greeted the forecast of a few rainy days/ evenings with as much enthusiasm as I would a pesky rodent invading my pantry. I took some solace in the fact that last night's "storm" wouldn't impact my plans for the weekend. The skies were perfectly blue this morning and the fluffy, white clouds were merrily chasing the rain laden, gray buggers out of their playground.
Once I had sufficiently offered thanks for the sunshiny skies, my attention was drawn to the garden. Despite my own reaction to more rain (Eeyore voice over), the flowers were sassy and re-energized after their shower. Every rain laden blossom and bud was simply happy as could be. Perhaps I/ we need to take a cue from our botanical friends?!?


  1. Kim, you are always a lift to my spirits! I love your beautiful flowers and yeah I guess we need the rain! Think of it as moisturizer!! We all need it! Have a great day in your lovely garden!
    Margaret B

  2. Oh Kimberly~~I have missed you!!Need to go back and catch up! Yes, you are so right about following Nature's lead...perfect!

    Have a fab Friday afternoon!
    Love, Lynn♥

  3. Very pretty dew dropped blooms!
    I'd like to have some of your rain!

  4. These pictures are so pretty!

    How are you doing? Have missed some of your postings since I have been on vaca so I am catching up!


  5. I gotta tell ya, I just looooove this post...One of my favorite things is seeing raindrops on flower petals..Your pictures look amazing..
